From web: #57

fediblock-backend wants to merge 1 commits from web-57 into main

Gargron is a known EU asset starting Eunomia in order to spy on his users. Don't allow this cretin to spread his reach any farther.

Gargron is a known EU asset starting Eunomia in order to spy on his users. Don't allow this cretin to spread his reach any farther.

I couldn't find traces of "encitement to violence", "harassment campaigns" or “Eunomia” in the linked post.

I couldn't find traces of "encitement to violence", "harassment campaigns" or “Eunomia” in the linked post.
tastytea closed this pull request 2020-11-01 00:36:26 +01:00
tastytea added the
label 2021-01-24 03:12:13 +01:00
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