tastytea 0c1c260c88
Capitalize tags.
They are case insensitive anyway, might as well write them right.
2021-03-15 16:55:29 +01:00

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title: "How I convert PDFs to EPUB semi-automatically" slug: how-i-convert-pdfs-to-epub description: "A step by step guide to clean EPUBs from PDFs using Calibre, Emacs and time." date: 2021-03-15T04:12:00+01:00 type: posts draft: false tags: - EPUB - E-books - Emacs toc: true ---

Sometimes e-books come only in PDF format. Almost always PDFs are a pain to read on e-book readers. You can use Calibre to automatically convert it, but the results are okay-ish at best. If the PDF has footnotes, forget it. Unfortunately, the type of books that most often come only as PDFs are science books and these usually have a lot of footnotes.

One option is to use Calibre to convert and then fix the result, but I have found that I get better results in less time when I create a new EPUB, copy the PDFs content into Emacs, clean it up there and then copy it over to Calibre. This process is what I want to share with you here. You will need Calibre, Emacs or another editor with keyboard macros and some knowledge of XHTML and CSS to follow this guide. It will take long and is boring, but the result is a clean and enjoyable book.

I will use the Emacs key notation throughout this guide.

Create a new book in Calibre

Click on Add books  Add empty book. Then fill in the metadata and select “EPUB” as format. You can add more metadata and a cover image by right-clicking the book and then selecting “Edit metadata”. Open Calibres editor by right clicking on the book and selecting “Edit book”. You start with a single XHTML file, start.xhtml. I always use that for the title page, the copyright notice and so on. You can force a page break to separate the title and the copyright notice with CSS: Add style="page-break-after: always;" to the last element of the virtual “page” or use a CSS class. To add a CSS file click File  New file and enter a filename ending with .css. Add the CSS file to the document by right clicking on start.xhtml in the file browser and selecting “Link stylesheets…”.

The built-in preview does not show page breaks.

Your files should look similar to this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<html xmlns="" lang="en">

  <title>Meine zwei Jahre in Russland</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>


  <div class="pagebreak center" id="title">

    <p>Emma Goldman</p>

    <h1>Meine zwei Jahre in Russland</h1>


  <p>1. Auflage<br/>
  München, Januar 2020</p>

  <p id="copyright">Anti-Copyright (siehe S. 362)</p>

  <p>Die englische Originalausgabe erschien 1921 und 1925 in den
  USA aufgrund eines Versehens in zwei Teilen unter den Titeln
  <em>My Disillusionment in Russia</em> und <em>My Further Disillusionment in


.pagebreak {
  page-break-after: always;
.center {
  text-align: center;

I added the IDs “title” and “copyright” to add semantic links to them later.

Some styling advice

Please refrain from using CSS too much. Most people have configured their e-book readers the way they like, with the right font, font-size, margins and so on. If you override their settings, they will be annoyed. I usually only style the title page and headlines.

Do not use <i> or <b> tags to emphasize, do not use font-style: italic or font-style: bold. Use <em> for emphasis and <strong> for importance so screen readers will be able to pronounce the text differently.

Add text to the book

Add a new .xhtml file in Calibre and write in the heading of the first chapter. Then switch to Emacs and copy the first paragraph from the PDF into a text-mode buffer. The emphasis will not be copied over, so youll have to re-add it. We ignore (but keep) the footnote numbers for now. Repeat with the rest of the paragraphs of the chapter, leaving 2 blank lines between each paragraph. The paragraphs will be broken and likely be full of hyphens at the end of the lines.

elisp function to add HTML tags easily
(defun my/html-surround-with-tag (beg end)
  "Surround region with HTML tag."
  (interactive "*r")
  (if (region-active-p)
      (let ((tag (completing-read "Tag: "
                                  '("blockquote" "em" "strong"))))
        (insert (concat "<" tag ">"
                        (delete-and-extract-region beg end)
                        "</" tag ">")))
    (message "No active region")))

Make sure that auto-fill-mode is disabled. Position the cursor at the start of the buffer and press <f3> to start recording a macro. Press <end> <deletechar> SPC (space bar) and then <f4> to stop recording. If there is a hyphen at the end of the current line, press <backspace> 2 times. Press <f4> to call the macro and repeat until you are at the end of the paragraph. Move the cursor to the first line of the next paragraph and repeat…

Now you should have a text file with 1 paragraph per line. We need to wrap all lines in <p> tags, except block quotes and sub-headlines. Either use another macro (<p> <end> </p> <down> <down> <home>) or this elisp function:

(defun my/html-paragraphify-buffer ()
  "Wrap every line not beginning with < or a newline in <p> tags."
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "^\\([^<
].+\\)$" nil t)
    (replace-match "<p>\\1</p>")))

Once you are done, copy the result into Calibre.

Add footnotes

Use the method from above to copy the footnotes into the now empty Emacs buffer and clean them up until you have 1 paragraph per line. Footnotes need to be hyperlink-able, so we cant just wrap them in plain <p> tags, they need IDs. I like to use <span>1</span><p id="fn1">[…]</p> if there is only one footnote-section or <span>1</span><p id="fn1_1">[…]</p> for chapter-footnotes. We are going to use a macro with a counter to generate consecutively numbered IDs. First, set the counter to 1 with C-x C-k C-c 1. Then, record this macro:

<span> C-x C-k <tab> C-u -1 C-x C-k C-a </span><p id="fn C-x C-k <tab> "> <end> </p> <down> <down> <home>

C-u -1 C-x C-k C-a “adds” -1 to the counter, so that we can use the same number again.

Call the macro until every footnote is wrapped and copy them to Calibre.

Add references to footnotes

The footnotes are probably superscript numbers in the PDF but normal numbers in the EPUB right now. I found that the footnote-numbers are usually preceded by a space and followed by a space or <. I use the find & replace function in Calibre in Regex-mode to convert them to hyperlinks.

Find:  ([0-9]{1,3})([ <]) (note the leading space)
Replace: <sup><a href="#fn\1">\1</a></sup>\2

Press <f3> to search through the text and C-r to replace.

Finishing touches

Click Tools  Table of Contents  Edit table of Contents, remove the existing entry and click “Generate ToC from major headings” or “Generate ToC from all headings”.

Click Tools  Set semantics and set the location of the title page, copyright page, beginning of text and so on.

Select Tools  Check book and fix the errors.

Youre done! Enjoy your cleanly formatted book. 😊