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nocolor is a Hugo theme with no predefined colors and minimal styling. It is based on Slick.


  • Supports taxonomies of tags, categories and series with their own pages.

  • RSS Feed with complete entries.

  • Open Graph, and Twitter Cards support.

  • Fully customizable menu entries.

  • No JavaScript, no bundled fonts, no external requests.

  • Ability to inject own CSS file.


git submodule add --branch main themes/nocolor
echo 'theme = "nocolor"' >> config.toml

Update with git submodule update --remote. If you dont keep your blog in a git repository, install it with git clone themes/nocolor or unpack the archive into themes/nocolor.

Configuration & Modification

Please take a look at the configuration example for Slick. It is valid for nocolor too, with these exceptions:

  • favicon and css have to be in in the assets folder.

You can add things to the end of the <head> section by overwriting the partial template extra_head.html or above the footer by overwriting extra_foot.html. The common way to do it is to create layouts/partials/extra_head.html or layouts/partials/extra_foot.html, respectively.

Syntax highlighting with Asciidoctor

If you want source code highlighting with AsciiDoc, youll need pygmentize from the package pygments. Set this in your config file:

pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsCodeFencesGuessSyntax = false
pygmentsUseClasses = true

Run pygmentize -L styles for a list of available styles and generate a CSS file:

pygmentize -f html -S <style> -a .highlight \
           | grep -v '^[^\.]' | sed -E 's/ \.(\w+) \{/ \.tok-\1 {/' > static/syntax.css

And add :source-highlighter: pygments at the top of your posts, below the front matter. Make sure to include the generated CSS file.

Good to know

Table of contents are only written when the word count exceeds 400 and the toc field in your contents front matter is set to true. See the Hugo documentation for details. You can overwrite the template by adding the file layouts/partials/toc.html to your blog.